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Reiki Principles

Just for today, do not worry,

Just for today, do not anger.

Just for today, honour everyone.

Just for today, earn your living with honesty.

Just for today, be grateful for everything.

Dr Mikao Usui

Reiki Treatment

50 minutes £45 

What is it?

Reiki (ray key) is a gentle form of healing that was discovered in the early 1900's by a Japanese Buddhist monk called Mikao Usui

Reiki means *universal life force energy* and it is based on the principle that a person who has been *attuned* to Reiki can channel this Universal life force energy.

Universal life force energy naturally runs through all living things.

When receiving this energy the recipients own healing mechanism is activated. 

This allows the body to release blockages, re-balance and heal.


What are the benefits and who is it suitable for?

Reiki creates a deep sense of well-being. healing. self awareness and balance.

It works on your physical. spiritual and emotional needs. 

It is suitable for both Adults and Children and even animals.

Benefits may include;


Bringing emotional balance

Reducing stress and anxiety

Bringing calm

Reduction of pain

Removal of emotional blocks

and many more....


What happens during a treatment?

You will be asked to lie, fully clothed. on a treatment couch or chair if you prefer.

I will place my hands in various positions both gently on and above your body to channel the Reiki.

During the session you may feel heat, tingling, see colours or you may feel nothing,

The Reiki will still be working where it is needed.

Afterwards you may feel calm. peaceful. tired or even energised.

Everyone's experience of Reiki is different.

No religious or belief system is attached to Reiki or needed for it to work. 

REIKI: Services

Reiki is love,

love is wholeness,

wholeness is balance,

balance is wellbeing,

wellbeing is freedom from disease.

Dr Mikao Usui

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